23rd February 2021
CEO Letter: Reopening of Schools from March 8th
I hope that you and your family are well. Can I start by thanking you on behalf of all at Beckfoot Trust for your support during this latest lockdown. It is greatly appreciated. I hope that you feel that our schools have worked well with you to do all we can to support your child’s learning and welfare during this time.
We are delighted that our schools will all fully open from March 8th. It represents a step back towards normality. Our young people can be reunited with their friends, be with their teachers and be able to learn in a school setting. They have been through a tough time. We will be doing everything we can in schools to support our children in returning to face-to-face learning, with their mental health and wellbeing at the heart of what we do. Our core value statement ‘Enjoy-Learn- Succeed’ have never seemed more important than now.
The Prime Minister announced yesterday that the Government has set out its plan for the return of all pupils to schools as part of the roadmap for leaving lockdown.
- All primary school pupils will return on Monday 8th March. Primary school staff will continue to take two rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) tests each week at home to identify positive cases more quickly and break the chains of transmission.
- All mainstream secondary school students will take coronavirus (COVID-19) tests as they return to the classroom from Monday 8th March. Schools will plan a phased return of their students over the week beginning 8th March to allow them to be tested on return. After an initial programme of 3 tests in school, students will be provided with two rapid tests to use each week at home. Staff and students in secondary schools are advised to wear face coverings in all areas, including classrooms, where social distancing cannot be maintained, as a temporary extra measure.
- Our Secondary Special school, Hazelbeck, will work with families to agree the most appropriate ways for students to access twice weekly testing.
Throughout the pandemic we have followed the guidance from Government and will continue to do so. We will review all risk assessments in light of the new guidance and adhere to the systems of control for prevention of transmission and response in the event of symptoms or positive cases in school. These systems are now established in schools and minimise the risk when our community all adhere to them.
Your own school will plan the details of return to school for your child and your Headteacher will be in contact soon to share these with you. We very much look forward to welcoming our learners back to our schools.
David Horn