Key Contacts
School Switchboard 01535 607038
Office Team - Jess Bromwich and Paula Homer
Office Manager - Vacant
Headteacher - Sarah Lloyd
Safeguarding Lead - Sarah Lloyd
Deputy Head and Attendance Lead - Gemma Wilson
Assistant Head and Assessment Lead - Annmarie Asquith-Williams
Parental and Community Support - Jason Patefield
Care Team - Tracy Young (Care Lead), and Julie Felthouse.
All of the above contacts can be contacted by telephoning the main school number 01535 607038 or email:
Other Contacts
Buses - 01274 438889
Taxis - 01274 436692
Keeping Children Safe
Children's Social Care Initial Contact Point - 01274 433999 - (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday)
At all other times, Social Services Emergency Duty Team - 01274 431010
If you have reason to believe that a child is at immediate risk of harm, contact the police on 999
NSPCC Help Line - 0808 800 5000
Childline - 0800 1111
Prevent -