We want all of the children in our school to become a Beckfoot Phoenix H.E.R.O
Beckfoot Phoenix School is committed to providing a high-quality education for your child. To ensure this happens, we need your child to attend school on a regular basis and have the best attendance possible.
To become a Beckfoot Phoenix H.E.R.O., children need to be:
- Here,
- Everyday,
- Ready for learning and lessons,
- On Time.
As a parent/carer of a child of compulsory school age, you are required by law, to ensure that your child receives an 'efficient, full time education'.
To ensure that your child attends full time,
- You should try and get medical appointments out of school time, or in school holidays.
- You should not take your child out of school for other appointments such as haircuts etc.
- You should read the 'Medical Conditions' booklet below so that you are clear about when to send your child to school.
- You should not book any holidays in term time.
- If you need to take your child out of school during term time, you must complete a form requesting time away from school. These are available from the school office or you can click the link below to complete an electronic form. Please note that the head teacher can only grant time away from school for exceptional circumstances.
As a school, we have a legal duty to record the attendance of every pupil or record them absent or late.
To do this, we take a register at the beginning of both morning and afternoon sessions showing the exact reason for a pupil's absence.
As a parent/carer, you must inform school:
- of any absence and the reason for your child's absence - see below.
- if your child has to leave school part way through the school day.
It is important that, as a school, we know that your child is safe, so we will:
- follow up any unexplained absences and
contact the Education Social Worker if we have any concerns or are unable to contact you.
We know, for some families, attendance and punctuality can be difficult. The H.E.R.O. document, below explains how we will support families who need help with this.
For more information, please contact the school office and ask to speak to Gemma Wilson, the Attendance Lead.
HERO Attendance Booklet - Medical Needs and Attendance
Application Form for Leave of Absence from School
Link to Beckfoot Trust Attendance policy