2nd April 2020
Coronavirus: An Update from David Horn CEO
To our Communities,
I hope you are all coping in these very challenging times. I want to update you on key decisions being made as a Trust related to the Coronavirus Outbreak.
Our schools will continue to remain open for the children of key workers and our most vulnerable where families are unable to care for them at home. The numbers attending our schools has been low, which we are appreciative of as we want to minimise the frequency of social contact, thereby keeping everyone safer.
We continue to provide Free School Meal vouchers to those eligible from our own resources over the Easter holiday period despite not being funded to do so. If you are applying for Universal Credit and this makes you eligible for Free School meals, please apply through the link below.
We will be open for normal school hours during the Easter break. We will discuss with families using our provision whether or not they need support from us on Good Friday and Bank Holiday Monday. If we need to open on these days we are likely to do so on a reduced number of sites
For pupils and students working from home, please ensure that you are accessing the materials being sent through to you from our schools. After taking a well earned Easter holiday break, keep working hard! It is really important. The more learning that can be done now will mean there is less to catch up on when we return.
Parents and Guardians, thank you so much for your support here. We are always looking to further improve the materials we send home. Please let us know your thoughts on what is working well and what we can do better.
We are awaiting specific guidance from Ofqual as to how we are to support the exam regulator in finalising GCSE and A level grades for our students. When we know more we will be in contact to let you know what this will look like and precise timescales.
To conclude, if you need anything or have questions about any aspect of our support for you during this difficult time please contact us via your school, details on each website, or at BeckfootTrust@beckfoot.org
Above all else, stay safe. The Easter holiday may feel rather different this year, but I hope you still manage to enjoy it!