21st October 2020
Message from David Horn, CEO
Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach half term, I would like to thank you for your support since schools reopened in September. I think it is remarkable. It has been an amazing effort by our children, parents, staff and leaders in working together as a team to manage this pandemic. As a result of our collective effort we have been able to keep our schools open and allow our children to learn.
As we know the next few months will continue to be a significant challenge and will test us all. Our management of this pandemic has been very well thought through and it will serve us well as we keep schools open and do all we can to keep people safe.
There have inevitably been some partial closures in some of our schools and there will I am sure be more before we reach the end of this pandemic. In nearly all instances we have been able to act quickly about a potential or confirmed case because families or staff have followed the guidance, self-isolated and informed school as early as possible about it. We are very grateful when this happens. This fast action, and adherence to the guidance and risk assessments in schools, minimises the impact on learners and reduces the spread of the virus in our communities protecting those that are vulnerable.
Self-isolation at home is key to keeping each other safe and to minimise the impact on classroom learning. This is at the core of the Government Guidance and is the best way to prevent outbreaks in our schools and communities. It is worth reminding one another of that guidance:
Please self-isolate, stay at home, do not leave your home or garden, do not go to work or school if:
- You display any of the main symptoms of Covid-19 - stay at home and get a test
- New, continuous cough
- High Temperature
- Loss or change of sense of smell or taste
- You have tested positive for Covid-19 - stay at home for 10 days from the day the positive test was taken or the day your symptoms started
- You are asked to do so by NHS Test and Trace - follow the instructions you are given by NHS Test and Trace
- You have been sent home following a closure/partial closure of a school bubble - school will advise you when pupils/members of staff can return and how families can access remote learning
- Another member of your household/support bubble has symptoms and is awaiting a test result or has tested positive for Covid-19 - for 14 days from the day the positive test was taken or the day their symptoms started
If you need food or medicine whilst you are self-isolating ask friends or neighbours to help. If this is not possible, please contact School and we will support in any way we can.
If you are in any doubt please:
- See the government guidance on in this link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
- use the NHS 111 service by dialing 111 or using the online portal https://111.nhs.uk/
We know these are hugely challenging times for many. If you need support with any of the information in this letter or of any other kind please let us know.
Wishing you all a safe half term, and thankyou once again for everything you have done to keep our schools open. It is greatly appreciated.
David Horn
Beckfoot Trust