18th January 2021
Update on Food Vouchers and Support for Families
Free School Meal Vouchers
During the national lockdown schools are providing support for families eligible for benefits related free school meals. We have been working hard with our catering providers to ensure that food parcels are available and meet nutritional requirements; thank you for all the support and feedback we have received regarding the parcels.
The government have today announced that they will open their national voucher scheme via EdenRed from the 18th January 2021. The scheme means that families will receive vouchers that can be spent on food items of their choice. We feel this will provide the maximum benefit to our families. We have taken the decision to move to this system as early as possible next week although we do anticipate that there may be initial issues accessing the scheme as it is rolled out. Families should be assured that we will be working our way through these issues. Getting vouchers to families is a priority.
Each eligible child will receive a voucher of £15 per week and at the moment we know this will continue until up to and including the week commencing 8th February 2021.
Weekend Hunger Vouchers
The government has also issued local authorities with funding as part of their Covid Winter Grant Scheme. The local authority has passed a portion of this grant over to schools to distribute to families. It was important to us that families had access to this grant as soon as possible and the money was issued before Christmas, in advance of us receiving the funds from the Local Authority. We anticipated that the grant would cover eligible families at £3 per day per child, unfortunately the funding received is far lower than this at £1.22 per day per child. We have therefore already distributed more than our full allocation to families and there will be no further payment.
Support for Families
The local authority scheme also provides help with utility costs and move information can be found on the council website. https://www.bradford.gov.uk/health/health-advice-and-support/covid-winter-grant-scheme/
Further information regarding support available to families in need at this time is available on the Beckfoot Trust website.
As always, if you need further support with any of the above, please contact the school.