
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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News and What's On

Head's Blog

Sarah Lloyd

Posted 21st July 2023

21st July

Good Afternoon,

This week we have said goodbye to our Year 6 pupils. We have had a brilliant week with the Prom and all the celebrations.
We wish them all good luck. Good bye to Tegan, Lucas C, Jake, Jason, Adam, Lucas L, Eisa, Kyle, Matthew, Isaac, Olivia, Star, Katie, Christian, Austin, Nathan, Rachel and Bilal. We will miss you all.

Here is the poem that I shared during the Prom.

Primary School is over now with big school coming fast,
I have to tell you this last year has been a blast.
Shortly you'll be moving on to somewhere fresh and new,
This school will be so different when we do not have you.
We've watched you grow and turn into the person that we are,
To read and write and count with ease, you simply are a star!
We want you to remember, a message from us all,
Live your life and chase your dreams, whether big or small.
You are unique and wonderful and sadly, will be missed.
So grab life and forever hold it tightly in your fist.
Goodbye from us and thank you as it has been so much fun,
Remember you are special and you're simply number one!

We also said goodbye to Jenny T and Ben. Jenny is moving to London and Ben is leaving us to do his teacher training. We will miss them both and hope that they are successful in their journey.

Last of all, a huge thank you from me to you for allowing us to be part of your special children's lives for the last year. We are truly honoured to work in a place like Phoenix and your children are the reason that we love our jobs and work tirelessly to make sure they learn lots, make memories and continue to be brilliant.
Thank you for the kind gifts that we have received, they are very much appreciated.
Have a wonderful summer and we will see you on Monday 4th September.

Sarah :)

Sarah Lloyd

Posted 18th July 2023

18th July

Last week Eisa  from Blue Base was awarded the school achiever award for 2022/23.
He was voted by the staff team. Eisa is in Year 6 and is moving to Beechcliffe. We are extremely proud of him and by the look of his picture we know he is very happy. Well done Eisa 🤩 what a superstar!


Sarah Lloyd

Posted 14th July 2023

14th July

Good Afternoon,

Thank you to the parents who have come into school to share their children's successes of the year with the class teachers. We have had some amazing feedback and this is a wonderful reminder of why we have the best job in the world!

As we come to the end of the term there are still plenty of exciting things happening in school. Next week we are having our Prom for the leavers. Plans are coming together and we are looking forward to this on Wednesday with the children and their families. We hope everyone whose child is leaving can make this fabulous event.

School closes on Friday 21st July for the summer break.

Have a great weekend,