A Vision Friendly School
Gold Award as a Vision Friendly School
- functional vision assessments for children with VI;
- vision friendly environments at a whole school level and within classrooms;
- working closely with the qualified teacher for VI and the qualified habilitation specialist.
Our Vision Friendly School Aims
- To have a inclusive and multi-sensory curriculum, individual to each child's needs.
- To make Beckfoot Phoenix Special School's environment more accessible for our vision impaired pupils.
- Good quality lighting without glare.
- Lights to be checked regularly and replaced immediately when necessary.
- Surfaces are painted in matt to avoid glare.
- Walls are contrasted to floors.
- Door frames are highlighted in contrasting colours to the walls.
- Door handles are contrasting to the doors.
- Floors are plain with a non-glare surface.
Physical Access
- Hand rails on both sides are colour contrasting to the walls.
- Furniture has a matt finish and clearly contrasting with its surroundings.
- Work is displayed on the notice boards at an appropriate height and mounted with with contrasting colours to the wall.
- Bins and other protruding obstacles are clearly marked or put away to avoid clutter.
- Clearly defined areas with good contrast.
- Signage to be visually clear and in braille.
Staff role
- To share information of the pupil’s targets, learning outcomes, objectives and VI pen portraits, so that the staff are well informed and can work effectively with the pupil.
- To write observations to record responses to learning and evidence of achievement.
- To ensure staff have training with a VI specialist.